Prague- Week 3- Let is snow
Snow fell this morning, winter comes early in Praha, apparently it's quite cold here... those of you who told me so, well, you were right.
I obviously made it here, and am settling quite nicely. Flying into Paris, and navigating the subway to get from the airport to the train station in the middle of suburban paris, a two transfer journey, with two backpacks, one on the front and one on the back, was a bit dodgy, however thanks to the boys in New York, and cousin Danielle, it was no big thing. the train from Paris to Frankfurt was very nice, and very fast. The train from Frankfurt to Prague was neither nice or fast. I made it though and little could hide the smile on my face after such a long journey... save the combined tiredness of three days overnight/jet-lag plane, train and finally, automobile travel. I was in Prague, finally... why? Well, I still don´t know, i´ll let you know when I do.
I am becoming more of a city livin person by the day, though I still appreciate a good walk in the woods. Speaking of which, there are woods, an old russian looking chuch, cemetary, and burning red candles on top of a hill not five minute from my house. You can see the whole of Prague, as well as lots of woods and fileds and hills, and airport. I walked up there the other night, nov 1, day after holloween, a hoíliday that is not celebrated in the Czech Republic, though all saints day is and is slightly more creepy if you´re in the right place at the right time... like this cemetary by the russian looking church atop the hill.
Anyhow, things are good, though cold and I reckon getting colder. The class is intense, but good. I feel as though I am getting my money´s worth. We teach two to three lessons a week to real live Czech students... who´d have thought. I´m learning just how difficult english is, to teach and just to speak. It pales however in comparison to Czech, though Czech would appear to make more sense once you´ve mastered the pronunciation and insuing accents. It is not common to find entire words, 7 letter words, with no vowles in them. Seven conconents right in a row, holy shit, what are you thinking? Why not put some consonents in there? Oh, you just want me to pronounse each and every consonent itself... huh, are no silent letters, which we´ve gotten so used to in english. An entire word that sounds like a whisper...
The city is beautiful however, and a great experience for someone who has spent so little time in the heart of a big city, and in particular, and old city. Narrow cobblestone streets, impossibly confusing, gothic churches... strange... pubs older than the whitehouse, which have served beer to slavics, catholics, protestants, austro-hungarians, germans, communists, and capitalists alike ´round seemingly endless approaching corners, pubs that are now serving to me, their beer, buttery and heady, and their sausage, salty and fatty. An entire country whose diet is based around the idea that what you eat is not important for what you drink can wash it down. So make what you drink good, ´cause it´s that last thing you taste. And if you´re still hungry after that, eat a sausage, ´cause sausage always goes well with beer.
In a week I hope to have an apartment to call home, and hopefully a job. Within the next two weeks, I should know everything for sure...
I want to join a choir, and a real european futball team... I´l let you know on both.
Travis and Yvette, your straw hat has found a nice home atop my head here. I think of you both often as a result and otherwise. I stick out a bit, which I warmly like. To everyone, be well and love. Know that you´re in my thoughts, memories and heart.
"eager for bread and love..."
sal paradise
when in rome...
I hope you update this from time to time, I'm eager to hear of your adventures. I'm a little sad to hear that you were in NY and you didn't get in touch, but hopefully you had fun. Maybe Carly and I will save up for CR & FR visit to see you, Joel and Fitzy. Take care.
Greg. It's Brett. I type with one hand due to bird. You like Townes Van Zandt??? You should. I may be in Europe next spring. How long you stay?
Much love,
Hey, I finally remembered to check out your blog and I love this idea!! Hope you will find the time to update it fairly frequently (as long as it doesn't get in the way of calling home every now and then!). Hope the job hunt is productive and that you enjoy your trip to Italy! Mom, Dad, and Clyde
Just the stream of consciousness I would expect from Mr. Weckenbrock.
Hope all is well,
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